Monday, October 19, 2009

The C-ccccc CORNY Cleveland Show-

It's been 3 or 4 episodes of the Cleveland Show- let me rephrase this- it's been 3 or 4 episodes of The Corny Cleveland Show. The mere fact that I do not know the episode # as oppose to 90210 which is on episode #7 proves that something isn't right.
So I tried to do an analysis on the Corny Show (which is its new show). They have a great cast- Sanaa Lathan and Nia Long- but they're not funny people. Sure they can act their A**es off but they're not known for their humor. And then there's the guy who plays Cleveland-- that's another story. My take- This is a Spin off of Family Guy which means they should have developed a comedic cast that they execute the lines to the writers' vision. They need the voice- these actors don't have the voice. Get Chris Tucker, Sommore, Chris Rock, even Monique, Wanda Sykes. These people are animators and can bring a cartoon to life.
Second is the story line- I understand trying to create a family for Cleveland but COME ON - were the HELL does the BEAR come in. It's not cool and he's not cool. He's not BRIAN. Lose the BEAR. Seriously. He will not be missed from the show as he looks like an annoyance.
Third- Change the characters- The Cleveland Show would have been better with a different story line. He should have married a white woman after what happened with Loretta. This would have created drama and humor- this is what people love.
I think TV creators are forgetting the point of developing a show. TV shows are suppose to be an escape from reality. When we turn on a show we want to be the characters not the person that just came home from a 10 hour workday.
The Cleveland Show creates a BLAH- where's the comedy. This show has the potential to be sooo much more!

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